Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thank You Everyone

Family & Friends,
Thank you so much for everything that you have done to make this trip to Africa possible. Your encouraging words, little homemade gifts, little pieces of advice, hugs, tears, laughter, prayers, Biblical direction and financial support have all been a HUGE blessing to me. I love you all and pray that God continues to bless you as you seek His face and His direction for your life.
Ten days from now I'll be in Tanzania, but you and your ministry will be with me in my heart and radiate to the hearts of those I meet. Thank you very much for everything. I love you.
God Bless!


tanya said...

you go girl! you'll be used in mighty ways in tanzania. my prayers are with you and your family as your continue to prepare for this beautiful, tanzania adventure!

Julie74 said...

Hi, Jess, 1/27/08
I am so happy to hear that you made it safely. Please know that we prayed you there and you remain in our prayers. What a wonderful adventure!
If you see any items that the local people make and would like to sell, send me a picture. Maybe we can sell them in our Flower Power Project in May and make them some money. We donate to Heiffer International. Maybe we could buy them something: a well, animals, etc.
By the way, if something tastes terrible, just imagine it has ketchup on it!
Our love to you and prayers for God to lead you to your specific ministry,
Julie and family P.S. It snowed 2 inches! We're expecting more tomorrow.

shotgun said...

Hey Jessica,

I am glad things are going well, but remember just like in Lillooet God will give you what you need each day. He will never leave you or forsake you. Youjust need to listen through all the confussion in life and he will be there.

King's Own said...

Go girl!Few people ur age know anything about God, how much more goin this far to serve him Keep it up, His grace is sufficient for u, u'll be better 4 it.LOL
Ur Nigerian friend