Saturday, February 23, 2008

It Feels Like Home to Me

I feel at home here. It's beautiful, I've made wonderful friends, and it couldn't get better. People always say that Africa doesn't have much, but they are rich in the Lord and rich in relationships. I think God is telling me to come back here. I don't know when but I know soon after the DTS. God's just telling me that this is where He wants me. I still need to continue to pray about it, but I feel as though this is what He wants for me. The orphanage is low on staff. I feel so at home here. I don't even know why, but I just do. I know that it's God. Today I went to town with six other friends. I got chocolate, shoes, and some food. It was a good day. I finally learned how to wash the African way. People were laughing at me for the longest time so I decided to become like the Africans and do it their way. I talked to someone about washing clothes and they were like, "You don't do it our way?" I said no. Then I told them that I've washed clothes by hand before but not like them. They asked me how I do it. I said that I just dip and swirl them around and then rinse. They would not stop laughing at me. We are definitely called to be fools for Christ let me tell you. This week was a wonderful week of learning. We learned about the nature and character of God and the Father Heart of God. God really spoke to me about how He is the only person that I need. It's been a great week. I'll update you all later. Tomorrow we're going to go out to eat with a bunch of friends for my birthday, so pray that I have fun!
Love you!
God Bless!

1 comment:

Nate said...

JESSI POOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I miss you turd! I hope you are feeling better...You scared me when I first heard about you being sick! So, what are you going to do for your birthday? Did you ever get my messages that I wrote to you on Skype? We need to talk on that! Write me back and tell me a time to get on, and I'll let you know if I'll be able to get on. I know you have been writing a lot to people, and it is hard to keep up with everyone, so I'll just ask you one question! What is your number one favorite thing that you have done, seen, etc. over in Africa? I hope all your wishes come true on your birthday! I love you mucho mucho!!! You are always in my prayers. HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY!!!

Brittnie Jo

p.s. Be checking the mail (or however it works) because we sent you some birthday presents! YAY!

Jessie Poo.....I love you!!! I can't believe you're the big 1 9! It amazes me how much you've really grown up. Here you are half way around the world, doing the most selfless thing by helping people that are in need and sacrificing your time to be with them. I admire what you are doing and I hope that it is everything that you expected. Brittnie bought me a Beta Fighting Fish for Valentine's Day and I named him Storm Shadow. Ha ha! She also has a fish named Scarlett. The names are from the old school G.I. Joes, I picked them! We're going to send you some presents for your birthday so make sure you check your mail here in like two weeks. I hope you had fun on your birthday and someday we'll talk on Skype. I've got this little creature on my computer that keeps staring at me, I haven't used him yet because you're never online! (Its my webcam that I'm talking about staring at me :-) Happy Birthday and you should know that I pray for your safety and well being every night! I loooooooooove you stuuuuuuuupid! Love your brother Nate.