Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!

Today has been a pretty relaxing day. I have all my clothes clean, (as clean as a mzungu can get them washing them by hand), my bed is clean, and all my stuff is organized. It hasn't been like that in awhile. I'm so busy all the time. I really only have about two hours of free time from 8:30 AM to 10:00 PM. It's crazy. Sometimes it's hard for me to hear God's voice when I'm caught up in all the busyness. Someone once told me that BUSY stands for Buried Under Satan's Yoke. That's so true at times. One of my favorite things in Africa is the corn. They BBQ it, and it's white corn, so it's really sweet. My friend Anu and I love it. We often go to Boma to get it. It's so nice to have something different for a change. The weekends here are always so quiet. I feel like I'm here and about four other people are here as well. That's not the truth, it's just that that's how quiet it is here. One of these days I'm going to take a picture of my feet. Some of my friends joke with me that I have village girl feet, which is definitely not a compliment. I'm starting to speak African English now, which means that my English vocabulary is slowly diminishing. Wow, at least I still have that big word. The other day, our teacher, who speaks very big English words and expressions, was trying to explain to the class what sugarcoating an issue means. I didn't get what he was meaning until he explained it to the full extent. It was awful! That was when I knew that it's changing and dwindling. AAHHH! I'm going to come back to America and you won't be able to understand me! I speak Kiswanglish now. It's a mix between Kiswahili and English.
I shall write more later. My body is falling asleep from being on the computer for so long.

Mungu aku Bariki!
God Bless You!


1 comment:

Tina said...

Happy belated Easter girl,
It was great to hear from you. I sounds as if God is showing himself huge to you there. I am excited to hear that. I have praying for you as God brings you to my mind. I hope all is well there. I am glad to hear you are making new friends. I knew that would not be hard for you. It was exciting to hear that you spoke and prayed over kids. Wow! I am so proud of you Jess. You set your mind to something a lot time ago and instead of getting discouraged and saying forget it, you just kept pressing on and seeking how to do this. Way to go. I can't wait to see pictures and hear all the stories. Things are going well here; we are starting a small group for teens.(imagine that) We are starting next Sunday. We took a group of 28 kids to Dare2Share this month and out of that two excepted Christ and about 6 or 7 wanted to start a small group. We really saw God move not only in our own hearts but in the hearts of some of these teens. So as you think about us you can pray for us with this small group. thanks
James and I are doing great we are getting plugged in at CtK along with pastor Don, Paul Creelman, Chaz Dugaw, Amy Martinez, and Kathy Augir. It's so funny how thing have worked out but we couldn't be happier. We are meeting new people while be blessed with many friends we already knew. God is Good!
Well I will write again later to keep you informed with how things are going here. Oh yeah by the way Ryan and Janae just had their birthday. Ryan is now 2 years old, can you believe that and Janae is the big 5. Love ya girl.
Your sister and friend in Christ,
The kids say Hi!